I have been passionate/obsessed with horses for as long as I can remember. Growing up we did not have much money, so my sister and I went door to door on Jinglepot road looking for horses to ride. We were lucky to find two kind families whose daughters had left home and left their horses behind. We spent all day at the barn for years and I read every horse book that I could get my hands on, memorizing all important aspects of horsemanship.
At 19 I bought my very own horse, a 2 ½ yr old Standanrdbred gelding named Badger, and proceeded to train him for riding. Badger taught me an incredible amount about horses, as well as myself. Along the way I acquired an amazing husband and partner Miles, as well as another Standardbred, a 4 yr old mare named Honour. (Of course a horse for the husband!) Eventually I acquired a third horse, a Cleveland Bay/Trakhener/ Dutch Warmbood mare named Bean. I witnessed her birth, trained her, and loved for 11 years.
In 2002 I started working in the tack and feed business. My passion and knowledge of horses helped me immensely, and working in the equine retail industry solidified my desire to one day have a tack store of my own.
In July 2014 Badger had to be put down, and Bean injured herself in a freak accident shortly after Badger’s death. On Christmas eve 2014, Bean was euthanized. At that time I had a complete breakdown. Every plan I had seemed to disappear with Bean’s passing. I took stress leave from my job, eventually leaving all together, and hid from the world.
For the next year I went to therapy, reflected, healed and spent time with my family and friends. Then I bought my dream horse. Corrada Z, a Zangersheide mare from High Farms (Brenda Bradley) in Kelowna. While having my mare backed at Topnotch Warmbloods, my good friend Renate Burns encouraged me to open my own tack store. For two months, Renate encouraged/pressured me daily to make my dream come true and open my own store. Her persuasive German ways finally got to me.
With incredible support from my husband, family, friends, and Community Futures, I was able to make my dream a reality. From the moment I committed to opening my own store, everything fell into place. I found the perfect location, (after which, signing the lease I discovered my husband, mom, and grandmother had previously resided in this building!) I made an incredible friend and mentor, Sandy Dimond, who’s art decorates my store, and have been guided and helped by the wonderful Marci Leighton.
I have met many more incredible people in my journey, whom have believed and supported me from the get go. This incredible opportunity has allowed me to share my passion and love of quality Equestrian products, and allowed my dream to come true. Thank you all!
- April
At 19 I bought my very own horse, a 2 ½ yr old Standanrdbred gelding named Badger, and proceeded to train him for riding. Badger taught me an incredible amount about horses, as well as myself. Along the way I acquired an amazing husband and partner Miles, as well as another Standardbred, a 4 yr old mare named Honour. (Of course a horse for the husband!) Eventually I acquired a third horse, a Cleveland Bay/Trakhener/ Dutch Warmbood mare named Bean. I witnessed her birth, trained her, and loved for 11 years.
In 2002 I started working in the tack and feed business. My passion and knowledge of horses helped me immensely, and working in the equine retail industry solidified my desire to one day have a tack store of my own.
In July 2014 Badger had to be put down, and Bean injured herself in a freak accident shortly after Badger’s death. On Christmas eve 2014, Bean was euthanized. At that time I had a complete breakdown. Every plan I had seemed to disappear with Bean’s passing. I took stress leave from my job, eventually leaving all together, and hid from the world.
For the next year I went to therapy, reflected, healed and spent time with my family and friends. Then I bought my dream horse. Corrada Z, a Zangersheide mare from High Farms (Brenda Bradley) in Kelowna. While having my mare backed at Topnotch Warmbloods, my good friend Renate Burns encouraged me to open my own tack store. For two months, Renate encouraged/pressured me daily to make my dream come true and open my own store. Her persuasive German ways finally got to me.
With incredible support from my husband, family, friends, and Community Futures, I was able to make my dream a reality. From the moment I committed to opening my own store, everything fell into place. I found the perfect location, (after which, signing the lease I discovered my husband, mom, and grandmother had previously resided in this building!) I made an incredible friend and mentor, Sandy Dimond, who’s art decorates my store, and have been guided and helped by the wonderful Marci Leighton.
I have met many more incredible people in my journey, whom have believed and supported me from the get go. This incredible opportunity has allowed me to share my passion and love of quality Equestrian products, and allowed my dream to come true. Thank you all!
- April